A synthesis of risk management, part 1

Foreword: This blog post is the result of my notes, taken with different interests in mind, converging towards a topic of risk management, hence the title of the blog post. In the first part, the narrative examines risk using multiple insights that I have been able to obtain over time. These insights (to me anyway) are drawn from biology, system... »

on Biology, Philosophy, Risk-management, System-thinking, Theology

Continuous Integration, Deployment and Testing - what's the point?

We often hear the term CI/CD getting tossed around in conversations, particularly in the software world. It has become such a buzzword, like AI and Machine Learning, that our mind becomes saturated. As a result, we unconsciously (or consciously) don’t even bother elaborating the term. This article assumes that the readers are aware of the CI/CD concept and have a... »

on Business-risks, Continuous-delivery, Continuous-integration, Continuous-testing, Economics-of-small-batch

Why I built Another Writing Application

Another Writing Application Updated: Sometimes the backend is turned off automatically, I check in frequently to make sure it’s up. If you’re not able to put your writing references into the application leave a comment and I’ll check the backend. If you’re concerned with data privacy, use the application locally, please visit its Github repository. Why though ? I think... »

Revisiting the Visitor Pattern to design resilient software library

The visitor pattern is a behavior design pattern, which means it presents a scheme for objects to work together towards solving a problem. The problem the visitor pattern solves is to add functionalities to a class hierarchy without having to modify every class. We will examine this pattern in the context of designing software library. Designing shapes The problem we... »

Dining Philosophers: An intuitive interpretation of the hygiene solution

In this blog post, I will introduce the dining philosophers problems, and discuss Chandy and Misra’s solution (which is also referred as the hygiene solution). It’s not a formal discussion, but rather an intuitive interpretation, therefore I will omit details that I don’t think are conducive to my interpretation, and expand on details that I think need elaboration. I highly... »

on Conflict-resolution, Dining-philosophers, Hygiene-solution

[The Logic of Life] Why your boss is overpaid

Disclaimer: This is my attempt to read The Logic of Life: The Rational Economics of an Irrational world, I am but someone who tries to synthesize understanding from ideas presented in this book. Continuing the previous post: [The Logic of Life] Why some workplaces are miserable Some people seem to be rewarded based on luck Another consequence of the tournament theory is... »

[The New Virtual Classroom] Learning in The New Virtual Classroom

Disclaimer: This is a result of my attempt to synthesize understanding from the book The New Virtual Classroom: Evidence-based Guidelines for Synchronous e-Learning. I am but an interpreter of these ideas. Instructional modes, methods and architectures When designing a virtual classroom, decisions about communication modes, instructional methods, and course architectures are what determine the learning effectiveness. Communication mode is the... »

[The Logic of Life] Why some workplaces are miserable

Disclaimer: This is my attempt to read The Logic of Life: The Rational Economics of an Irrational world, I am but someone who tries to synthesize understanding from ideas presented in this book. There are many problems in the office that make it a living hell: back-stabbing colleagues, bullying bosses and all sorts of seemingly irrational behaviors. All of the problems stem... »

[Person & Situation] Why is Social Influence so powerful ?

Disclaimer: This is my attempt to internalize the book Person and Situation, I am but an interpreter of these ideas. Why are people’s attitudes and behaviors are influenced so much by other people even by whom they don’t know ? Informational aspects of social influence People around us are one of the best sources of information about the world. if... »

[Beyond Boredom & Anxiety] Elements of Flow

Disclaimer: This is my attempt to read the book Beyond Boredom and Anxiety, I am but an interpreter of these ideas. The concept of flow is widely known as the state of maximum performance of human’s capacity. Experts often describe this experience as producing intense enjoyment and productivity. Therefore it holds a unique position if we want to talk about how to... »